Thursday, August 8, 2013

TSM 2.0: A New Beginning

I will admit that I am not fond of the idea of my favorite addon being changed drastically. TSM works so well for me that I had my reservations about TSM 2.0. Part of me was determined to hate the changes. If you can relate then I have great news. TSM 2.0 has delivered an awesome evolution of the addon. Once set up, adding new things or changing currents things is a breeze. I was surprised at how intuitive it is to use.

One of the important things to remember is that you will want to remove your saved variables for your old TSM. I didn't do this out of laziness and I discovered that the old TSM dealfinding lists were popping up each time I logged in even if I had deleted them previously. I highly recommend deleting the TSM.lua files before downloading TSM 2.0.

Step one in making any changes is you back up the information you are about to change just in case you make a mistake. So I recommend backing up your WTF folder. However, if you prefer to not back up that much information then you can simply back up the SavedVariables folder before you make changes.

You can do so by finding your WoW folder and opening the WTF folder. Once in the WTF folder you then open the Account folder. From there you will need to select the account that your auctioning characters. If your account existed before the battlenet merger then the folder name will be what your WoW account name used to be (i.e. TradePrincess). If your account was created after the battlenet merger then it will be a series of numbers (i.e. 5555555555#1). If you have multiple then just open the folders and locate the server your auctioning character is on and check to see if your character's name is listed. If you only have one account simply click on the account folder and select your the SavedVariables folder (Be sure to back up this folder before making changes). Your progression through folders will look something like this:

In the SavedVariables Folder, scroll down until you reach the TradeSkillMaster files.

You have two choices here. You can either delete them all and have a fresh start or you can keep some of them. The files you might want to keep include the Accounting, AuctionDB, ItemTracker, and WoWuction folders. The way I chose to do it was to delete all of the folders that said TradeSkillMaster_ and added back the four types from my previously saved copy. Each type has two files .lua and .lua.bak so keep that in mind.

I know that the less computer savvy can be intimidated and less inclined to mess with files. I am fairly familiar with some aspects of the computer and I am still intimidated. Just keep in ind that you should always make a copy of something before you make changes to it. that was you can go back and start fresh. Also keep in mind that, even if you deleted the entire folder, WoW would just automatically recreate it. you won't break the game you will just lose your saved settings (like bar addons or unit frames settings).

Once you have cleared out the old then you can download TSM 2.0! This is the Beta version so be sure to update it often. I like to update it once per day but changes are being made constantly and it can change multiple times in one day. There is also an update to the desktop application located on the TSM 2.0 post so be sure to grab that if you use the app.

Take some time and play around. My resistance was quickly smashed by the overall functionality of the upgrade. I honestly didn't think that TSM could be improved but I was glad to be proven wrong. TSM 2.0 is worth the change and it has actually helped me to streamline and control my auctions better. TSM 2.0 gets my seal of approval!

1 comment:

  1. First time reading your blog, but the Seal of Approval has just made my day :D
