Saturday, May 4, 2013

Gold Making 101: The Undermine Journal

Now that I have made a little bit of gold off of the items I fished up at the Darkmoon Faire I am going to head over to The Undermine Journal.

The Undermine is a wonderful tool for finding cheap items to flip. Just select your realm with your faction. You will be taken to the front page for your realm. Here you will find various articles from other gold makers. I highly recommend looking around and checking out their sites. I have found an endless amount of useful information from these posters.

Today I will be looking at the Good Deals page. After selecting Great Deals at the top of the page be sure to click the Great Deals option below it.

This will take you to a list of items that people have posted below potential market value. You will find a variety of items listed. Here I have found a transmog item that flips for quite a bit.

Something to keep in mind. All of the items on this list are great items to flip. I wanted to point out this specific item as a higher risk item. The reason I consider it a higher risk is because 3 others are posted. So it might not sell any time soon. However, the purchase price is 1 gold and I currently have a little over 100 gold so it isn't going to cut into my gold all that much to take this gamble. The other items on the list may have a lower sell price on average but there is only once of each of those items so you don't have to worry about competition. At first it is best to focus on the cheaper items.

Be sure to check out the bottom of the page as well. The "Potential Low Bids" section can have some great bid items that can be a profitable flip. Some people aren't patient enough for wait for a low bid and they will sometimes completely overlook bid amounts.

Don't be afraid to poke around the auction house and see what you can find. Just for fun I though I would check out a search for "glyph of" to see if anything cheap turned up. I found 3 very under priced glyphs that I re-posted for a higher amount. One of them was posted by others for 250 gold. I undercut them by a small amount and I am crossing my fingers!

The Undermine also have a great addon that I recommend. It shows you the market information for items. It can give you a good idea of what things are worth. That way you know your items value before posting and won't make the mistake of under pricing. It also helps when looting to see what is worth holding on to for the auction house.

Overall The Undermine is a great resource for finding deals.It updates frequently so there is always a chance for new deals!

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